- Where can leave the luggage that I don’t need?
You can leave your personal luggage not required for the trek in secure locker at trekker’s guest house, where you will start your trek. Make sure to only pack as little as you need for the hike itself. At the end of the trek you will get your own personal or luggage.
2. Can you give an example of what to pack for trekking Mount Rinjani?
1 day packHead Torch or flash lightDecent hiking bootsToothbrush & toothpaste2-3 pair of socksToiletriesSun block/lotion, hat/cap, beanie, sun glassesWet wipes (there’s no shower at the mountain)Spray for muscle/balmInsect repellentCamera, handy cam (manual or digital)2/3 paces of T-Shirts1-2 long sleeved shirt/hoodies (depending on how cold you get)Long trek pants/wind proof1 rain jacket and/ or 1 poncho(additional for heavy rain)Windproof jacket2 paces of shorts1 pair of flip flops ( to wear at the camp)Trekking poles (optional)Swimming suite (optional)Fishing gears (optional)
3. Do you need firsrt aid kits
We don’t want you to be overly cautious, but better safe than sorry. our guide have a simple first aid kit with them, however we encourage everyone to bring their own with additional remedies. Many of these have come very useful. We recommended bringing: sun screen, tiger balm (to soothe muscle pain), effervescent magnesium tablets (to avoid leg cramps), blister band aids (depending on your trek, you’ll be wearing your shoes for few days), strapping tape (to support your ankles), lip balm (against cracked lips), ear plugs (if you are sensitive sleeper), band aids & first aid cream (always come in handy). Insect repellent can be brought just in case but is not necessary since Rinjani situated so high that there are barely mosquitos.
4. Do have bring my own mineral water
No, you don’t have to bring your own water. We will have 3 liters of water per day per person available. Your guide will distribute the waters at the start of the trek and then upon request. You will carry bottle of water at a time, so that you will always have water on your hand during the trek.
5. Do the speaking guide
Yes, All our guides speak English. The have gone through a special program to give you the best service possible.